Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Day 2

Last night was rough here. Peter's teething really messed with his sleep and ours. He did not sleep much from midnight on, even with Tylenol. My husband took him downstairs just past 4:30am. At 6am, while getting ready for work, I left Peter on the couch with Teletubbies and this is how I found him. The poor thing was tuckered out and it was only 6 in the morning. May those teeth come in soon.


Melinda (Mindy) said...

He is so adorable. Poor kiddo and parents! I hope those teeth come in soon. Ibuprofen doesn't help much?


Jess said...

Poor little guy--he looks like such a big boy in that pic!

Heather said...

Oh what a sweetheart!!

~ Natalie~ said...

Aww, poor little guy.

floreksa said...

Hope those teeth break through soon!

Holly said...

Poor baby looks wiped out. There is nothing cuter than a sleeping baby though.