Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Day 1

This is going to be a long journey that may be challenging but I imagine so rewarding. For the next 365 days, I plan to share a picture a day. Of course there are going to be times that I don't have access to internet for a few days a time but I promise, I will take a picture to share with you the moment I have access again. I hope you enjoy the journey of a year with my family.

Here is day 1!

Peter was being a complete goof ball tonight, but I guess the question is when is he not being a goof. He was acting like he was talking on his toy phone when I took this photo. Later he was being Linus and walking all around with his blankie. 18 months is sure a fun age.


~ Natalie~ said...

He looks so happy. Too cute!

Anonymous said...

Hey, we have that phone!! LOL

Heather said...

LOL! That is a great expression on his face!!

floreksa said...

Too cute!

~M said...

Awww He is tooo cute!!!